Women’s lifestyles are becoming increasingly busier, leaving less and less time for self care. As Naturopaths we see women of all ages in clinic every day, who put their children, family, work and many other commitments before their own health, without even realising it.

Poor dietary choices may be the start of the cascade of events that happens in this typical picture. Choosing processed foods with minimal nutrients, because it’s fast and easy, is a common choice made by Mum’s on-the-go and this can easily be corrected with the right nutrition advice, planning and dietary tips.

Choosing foods high in good proteins and fats that keep blood sugar levels stabilised, without dips and spikes, is important for energy levels and mood changes.

On a biochemical level,

when a perceived threat is encountered a fight-or-flight response is engaged. For example, in times of stress an alarm system is set off in a part of your brain, the hypothalamus. In turn this prompts your adrenal glands, to release a surge of adrenaline and cortisol, two neurotransmitters affected by stress.

While adrenaline increases your heart rate, elevates blood pressure and increases energy supplies – cortisol, being the primary stress hormone, increases glucose in the bloodstream and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues.

However, cortisol can alternatively alter immune system responses and suppress the digestive system, reproductive system and growth processes.

Another neurotransmitter that is affected by stress is serotonin.

Most people relate serotonin as the happy neurotransmitter in the brain but it is much more than that. Serotonin is also vital for regulating your sleeping patterns, body temperature, memory and appetite. Therefore, when stress causes imbalances with these chemicals around the body, it can lead to sleep disturbances, appetite and digestive function problems as well as many other hormonal imbalances.

In summary,

chronic stress and constant adrenal activation means a consistent secretion of cortisol, which can then disrupt the production of many other neurotransmitters in the body. This can then lead to other issues such as poor nutrient absorption, thyroid imbalances, fertility issues, weight management problems – a lot more than you would first think.

As Naturopaths, we recommend a balanced and holistic combination of a nutrient dense diet, regular exercise and self care. Whether your stress reduction ‘me time’ is spent reading a new book, gardening, walking the dog or a new yoga routine – self care is vital and is something you and everyone around you will always benefit from.

If you are struggling with low energy and mood swings, let’s find out what’s really going on under the surface and making you unwell.

We take in-depth look at all your body systems and explore what underlying factors are influencing your health. We offer comprehensive functional testing, physical examination and a detailed case history so we can determine the underlying cause. Specific herbs, vitamins and minerals may help improve your energy levels and lift your mood.

Want to know more?

Get in touch today to make an appointment with our experienced naturopath Cassandra at Sustainable Health and Wellness Clinic.

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