Health Solutions

If you’re sick of dealing with gut problems such as bloating, indigestion, irregular bowels, reflux and fatigue – there is a reason for your symptoms. As the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates said,

“All disease begins in the gut.”

Your wellbeing is intricately connected to health of your gut. Healing your gut, supporting a healthy microbiota and optimising its function are essential in treating the root cause of many health concerns.

At Sustainable Health and Wellness Clinic we can discuss the best testing to identify your symptoms and the best possible way to resolve them. Now is the time to end your tummy troubles, regain your energy and get back to living that life you love.

Hormonal health issues affect nearly all women at some stage in their lives. Whether it be preparing for pregnancy, dealing with hormonal fluctuations, or enjoying a positive transition into menopause, natural medicine can assist in maintaining health during all stages of a women’s life.

Our hormonal health relies on more than just healthy ovarian function; genetics, nutrition, liver and bowel function and the health of other endocrine glands all impact on the health of our hormones.

At Sustainable Health and Wellness, we consider all areas of health and develop treatment plans based on individual’s needs. Women have used herbal medicine for centuries to balance the menstrual cycle, support ovarian function and improve hormone metabolism.

Specific herbs help to improve oestrogen, or progesterone, decrease hormonal symptoms, regulate the cycle, manage heavy bleeding, and improve hormone metabolism.

Stress is a leading cause of illness, affecting the circulatory system, organs, glands, and the nervous system. Over an extended period, chronic stress can lead to many health disorders.

Examples are depression, chronic immune disorders, thyroid dysfunction, menstrual disorders, infertility, and chronic fatigue. It also affects our sense of happiness, fulfillment, and ability to enjoy relationships.

The immune system works to protect us like a moat around a castle. It constantly guarding against bacteria, viruses, germs, pathogens, and toxins that bombard our bodies daily.

At Sustainable Health and Wellness Clinic we test for imbalances and design natural therapies to minimise risk factors.

Maintaining a healthy weight is not just about looking good. Being within a healthy weight range means your risk of developing a chronic disease is greatly minimised.

Everyone is unique.

We believe the best long-term results are achieved from a custom designed weight loss programme.

Ageing healthily and with vitality is possible with natural therapies.

No matter what age you are, natural therapies assist in preventing the breakdown of cells and tissues. They provide you with optimal nutrition and boosting the vitality of your cells and internal organs.

It is never too late to support healthy ageing.

Toxicity is a major contributing factor to compromised health.

As well as the toxic by-products of our own metabolism, we are faced with toxins in our food and drink. From alcohol, cigarettes, medical drugs, cosmetics, household cleaning products, pollution, and environmental poisons.

Toxins also come from internal substances like leaky gut, stress, and maldigestion.

Making a baby sounds simple but for many couples this dream seems unachievable.

Due to a wide range of causes the fertility in both men and women can rapidly decline. These can be hormonal disturbances, autoimmune disease, infection, oxidative stress, obesity, and lifestyle factors.

Fatigue is not a natural state of health, it is an indication that something is out of balance.

Chronic tiredness is one of the most common symptoms that clients present with at the clinic. Many clients have had numerous tests to get to the bottom of their fatigue only to be told they are in perfect health.

By gaining a deep understanding of your health, we can formulate an individualised treatment plan for you. This may include education, nutritional therapy, dietary plans, herbal medicine, and lifestyle changes for a complete treatment.

Naturopathic care can be helpful for acute and chronic health conditions, within all age ranges, and along with medical prescriptions and treatment that may be in place.

Naturopaths are fluent in integrative and complementary approaches due to diverse training in complementary therapeutic modalities. At Sustainable Health and Wellness, we have a strong relationship with medical and allied health professionals and will refer you to other expert practitioners as needed/if appropriate.

What is the best way to get started?

The best way to start is to have a Free 20-minute Discovery Call.

During your call with our highly experienced practitioner, you will have the opportunity to discuss and address your unique circumstances in terms of naturopathic and integrative medical care.

From here we will be able to book you in for an Initial Consultation where we will look at your current symptoms and underlying factors contributing to these symptoms. This is a great way to get a truly clear picture of where your health is, where it needs to go and what needs to be done to get you there.

We are here to help you. We would love to be a part of your health journey.

Book your Free 20-minute Discovery Call to find out more.

Book a Session

Tailored Wellness Plans

At Sustainable Health and Wellness Clinic we guide you on your journey to wellness so that you can live the life you love. We do this in three ways:


We focus on tailoring specific wellness solutions that incorporate your needs and health goals.

What does this mean?

You get the best possible care from an experienced naturopathic practitioner working to create optimal results.

We utilise specific testing that enables us to create clear goals, measurable results, and effective solutions.

We focus on wellness and quality of life not just absence of disease.

Get in touch to book your Free 20-minute Discovery Call today.

How many treatments will I need?

This will depend on the type of condition you have and whether it is acute or chronic. At the clinic we are focused on your health outcome. We will recommend what is most appropriate. You’ll be given a clear treatment plan before you undertake a program so you will know exactly what is involved before you start.

To understand what can be done for you, book your Free 20-minute Discovery Call today.


During your call with our highly experienced practitioner, you will have the opportunity to discuss and address your unique circumstances in terms of naturopathic and integrative medical care.

We are here to help you. We would love to be a part of your health journey.

Book your Free 20-minute Discovery Call today.

Book a Session Today


Free Discovery Call

20 minutes (Telehealth or via Phone)

Not sure how a Naturopath can help you? We offer all potential clients the opportunity to have a free 20-minute chat before they book their initial consultation. This gives you the chance to ask any questions you may have about the appointment and lets us make sure we’re a good fit.

Initial Consultation

1 – 1.5 hours (In person, Telehealth or via Phone)

Your initial consultation is all about understanding you, your health concerns, and primary goals. We explore your health history and come up with an investigative plan to identify the underlying cause You will be provided with a personalised treatment plan centred around diet and lifestyle changes. Herbal medicines and nutritional supplements may be prescribed if needed. If necessary, we will also discuss a pathology testing.

Follow-up Consultations

45 minutes – 1 hour (In person, Telehealth or via Phone)

In these consultations we discuss your progress to date, any changes to your symptoms and how you are going with your treatment plan. We provide you with the tools to help you regenerate and restore balance. Your treatment plan will be updated to help you keep progressing towards your health goals.

Acute Consultation

15 minutes (Telehealth or via Phone)

These quick 15-minute consultations are for anyone trying to prevent or manage a cold/flu or require assistance with acute symptoms such as pain/injury.

Telehealth and phone consultations

Allow you the convenience to chat from the comfort of your own home (in your PJs – woo!) or your office and is particularly good for those short on time. I have also found that TeleHealth gives me the opportunity to get to those clients who are just too unwell to attend the clinic in person.


Kick-start Health package - For new clients only

  • Get your health on track with the Kick-start Health Package, which includes:
  • 1 x Initial 60 minute consultation
  • 2 x 45 minute follow up consultations
  • 2 x 15 minute phone chats between consultations
  • Limited email support for the duration of the package
  • All consultations must be taken within six months of purchase

Sustain Health Package - For existing clients only

  • Stay focused with positive health habits with the Sustain Health Package, which includes:
  • 3 x 45 minute follow up consultations
  • 3 x 15 minute phone chats between consultations (if needed)
  • Limited email support for the duration of the package
  • All consultations must be taken within 12 months of purchase
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