

How long do I need to take supplements for?2020-09-23T22:17:01+10:00

Supplements are exactly that, they supplement a healthy diet. Initially you may be prescribed several supplements to correct imbalances, however over the course of 2-4 months the number of supplements reduce significantly. The goal long term is to reduce supplements to a minimum, as you will be able to apply everything you have learnt about nutrition and food as medicine.

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How often do I need to consult?2020-09-23T22:14:05+10:00

Usually most clients see us every 3-4 weeks for a few months and then we usually space the consults out depending on your symptoms and progress. Long term we would then hope to see you in clinic every 6 months for a general check-up.

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What is the best way for me to contact my Practitioner?2020-09-23T22:19:00+10:00

For any non-urgent questions please make a note of them and discuss them with your practitioner at your next appointment. For anything urgent please phone the clinic. For any complex questions we suggest booking a 15-minute consultation to ensure you receive the best care.

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What will happen at the initial consult?2020-09-23T22:12:18+10:00

In your initial consult we will:

  • Spend time to determine the root cause of your condition
  • Use a range of tools to help determine the underlying cause of your health concerns as well as the best, individualised treatment for you (Please allow a minimum of 1 hour for your initial consultation)
  • Understand your condition
  • We educate and explain pathology test results and what they mean for you
  • Medicine specifically prepared for your condition
  • At Sustainable Health and Wellness Clinic, we provide Practitioner Only supplements and/or create Customised Herbs and Compounds for your specific needs to support your health journey.
  • Walk away with a plan

We provide you with a comprehensive Treatment Management Plan for your ongoing health journey and other relevant information to support your health, diet, and lifestyle.

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What if I still have questions?2020-09-23T22:18:45+10:00

We would love to clear up any concerns you may have and put you at ease before you come in to see us.

We offer a free 20-minute Discovery call for New Patients, so you can ask questions about your health and find out how Naturopathy can help.
Alternatively, you can send us your questions via email or post/private message them to us on our Facebook page and we will get back to you promptly.

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Why does it take so long?2020-09-23T22:09:57+10:00

It takes time for changes in your diet and lifestyle to be reflected in your newly generated cells. In fact, red blood cells turn over every 4 weeks, skin cells take 6 weeks, liver cells take 12 weeks, and some digestive cells take 5 days. Bones and other organs can take up to 18-24 months to heal and repair. It’s all a process, but as your cells begin to regenerate you will begin to notice changes.

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How long will it take me to feel well?2020-09-23T22:18:20+10:00

This is a difficult question to answer, as it depends on how long you have been unwell. In general, it can take up to one month of treatment for every year an adult body has been out of balance. However, most of our clients will start to notice improvements in their symptoms from 4-6 weeks of commencing their treatment plan.

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Who needs a Naturopath?2020-09-23T22:17:34+10:00

We believe everyone can benefit from seeing a Naturopath. Think of your Naturopath as your natural health care provider. Whether you are seeking treatment for a pre-existing condition or looking to establish positive health habits that will benefit you in the long run, we are here to help!

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What is a Naturopath2020-09-23T22:17:52+10:00

A Naturopath is a holistic health coach – someone who will help you, guide you, educate you, keep you accountable, and support you in all areas of your health and wellbeing.
Naturopaths are degree trained in Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) which involves years of extensive learning including biochemistry, pharmacology, anatomy, and physiology.

They utilise evidence-based natural medicine to get to the root of your health complaints and develop a treatment plan designed to treat the causes, not just the symptoms. To do this Naturopaths draw on a wide range of treatment methods, including herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, and dietary and lifestyle advice.

A naturopathic practitioner may also work alongside your pharmacist or GPs to safely integrate evidence-based natural medicine with western medicine This integrated holistic approach can put your mind at ease knowing that experts have created treatment plans tailored specifically to your health needs.

Naturopaths are also preventative medicine experts, supporting you in your goal to achieve your best health for life. A Naturopathic assessment is one of the best preventative medicine tools available and can often uncover the beginnings of disease long before it has become diagnosable.

Most of all, Naturopaths passionately believe your health is your wealth. You only have one body to live in, so it is important to make sure you understand it, nurture it, and support it.

Naturopathy uses the best of both scientific evidence and traditional medicine to form a complete system of health care. It is underpinned by six principles:

  • The healing power of nature
  • First do no harm
  • Find and treat the cause whenever possible, not only the symptoms
  • Treat the whole person
  • Education
  • Prevention

These are kept in mind when a Naturopath first speaks with you about your unique needs, develops a treatment plan and offers maintenance for long term positive health.

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How does Naturopathy Work?2020-09-22T17:57:42+10:00

In your initial consult we will:

  1. Spend time to determine the root cause of your condition
    Please allow a minimum of 1 hour for your initial consultation. We will use a range of tools to help determine the cause of the problem as well as the best, individualised treatment for you.
  2. Understand your condition
    We educate and explain pathology test results and what they mean for you.
  3. Medicine specifically prepared for your condition
    At Sustainable Health and Wellness Clinic, we provide Practitioner Only supplements and/or create Customised Herbs for your specific needs to support your health journey.
  4. Walk away with a plan
    We offer you a comprehensive Treatment Management Plan for your ongoing health journey and other relevant information to support your health, diet and lifestyle.
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We invite you to join us, now is the time to start your journey to good health.

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Life-changing, sustainable natural healthcare that is designed to get you well – and keep you well.

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